Living Your Best Life
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5 Things That Start Happening When You Put Your Phone Down and Start Living Your Life

girl with coffee and phone

I used to be tethered to my phone (and if I’m being completely honest, in some ways I still am). Although it’s gotten better, I still feel connected to that little 3×5-inch rectangle, to the constant communication, to the one-click-add-to-cart convenience, and to the ease of navigation from place to place without having to think.

We live in a world where our mobile phones not only entertain us but provide an outlet—and more often than not, an escape.

But when we’re so focused on the digital world, we lose sight of what’s right in front of us. There’s so much happening—that you’ll completely miss—if you don’t put your phone down and actually start living your life. 

Here’s what I mean:

1. When you put your phone down you can be fully present.

It sounds obvious, but how many times do you catch yourself getting distracted by something? How often do you zone out or start thinking about a text message as it flashes across your screen mid-conversation? How many times are you doing two things at once, whether it’s answering emails and having an in-person conversation, writing a note while answering someone’s question, or posting on social media while half-listening to someone vent?

When you put down your phone, you train your mind (and body) to focus on one thing at a time. You also show the person you’re communicating with or spending time with that they matter to you.

2. You can pick up on the subtleties of conversations.

Body language tells us so much about how someone is really feeling. But when we’re tethered to our phones, we don’t pay attention to these little things or their significance.

Someone can tell you that everything’s fine, but the truth can be hidden in their eyes, gestures, or body position. And you just won’t catch these subtle hints unless you’re there in the moment truly paying attention.

3. You can recognize your own shortcomings.

One of the most profound things that happened to me when I put down my phone during every family mealtime is I genuinely became a better parent.

I found that I was able to listen better, invest more in conversations, and feel more connected to my stepson when I wasn’t distracted. I quickly made a ‘rule’ for myself to put my phone away at mealtimes. This way my son never has to feel like he’s competing with a device for my attention.

4. You enjoy the little things more.

There is so much beauty around us, beauty that we often overlook. Before addressing my own issues with social media usage, I would take my phone on walks with my dog or jump on a call anytime I was in the car.

While there’s nothing wrong with catching up with your newsfeeds or family/friends while you walk or commute, it’s the dependence that you have to pay attention to.

Letting go of the need to always be on your phone allows you to soak in the world around you. There are so many little and beautiful things that you won’t see unless you’re open (and looking up).

5. You’ll discover what really matters.

When you’re wrapped up in social media, reading articles about the latest and greatest in pop culture, or whatever your digital guilty pleasure is—you won’t be as focused on your life.

And that’s what actually matters.

When you put down your phone and start living, you’ll realize how fleeting everything is. You’ll start to be more intentional about your time and the relationships around you.

And perhaps most importantly, you’ll stop taking things for granted. Because these things in your life are tangible, physical, and real (and not on a tiny screen).

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Marisa Donnelly, M.Ed., is a writer/editor, credentialed teacher, proud bonus mama, and CEO of Word & Sole, a creative platform and company offering expert writing/editing services. She is the Director of Donnelly’s Daily Apple, a flexible learning/tutoring and educational resource platform, and the lead voice for Momish Moments and Step by Step Parents, verticals dedicated to sharing and advocating for non-traditional parenting journeys. Marisa currently resides in San Diego, California, with her husband, kiddo, and their two rambunctious Pitbulls. ❤️

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