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I Choose Peace

girl holding Peace Tea smiling

In a world that so often gets caught up in the drama, in the conflict, in the moments of frustration or disagreement, bringing and spreading peace can bind us together rather than draw us apart.

In the moments when we reach out to one another,help out, and slow down to consider a perspective outside our own, we show people we care. When we speak with love rather than hate, stay an extra minute to hear someoneā€™s response to ā€œhow are you?ā€ or listen genuinely when someone talksā€”those little things, make change. Those random acts of kindness bring peace to a world that so desperately needs it.

When we stand for connection, for compassion, we shape the way people react to one another. We shift how we live and love, and in turn the way the world loves us back.

When we choose peace, we choose change. And change is beautiful.

This summer, Peace Tea is standing for change, for love, for coming together rather than dividing apart. In a powerful campaign, they are sharing Randomer Random Acts of Kindness, where influencers and people from all backgrounds, ages, and walks of life are joining together to raise money for RandomActs.org.

Did you know that 73% of young adults (18-24 years) have performed a Random Act of Kindness in the past three months?

In a study Peace Tea conducted, Random Acts of Kindness are already happening, but they project this only increasing. Today, June 25th 2018 marks the first day of the #ChoosePeace campaign. And over the next three months, they anticipate 84 percent of teens and young adults will perform a random act of kindness for family, friends, and even strangers.

Their goal to encourage this peace and kindnessā€”for each ā€˜likeā€™ on a Facebook or Instagram post, Peace Team will donate $1 to RandomActs.org. For every share or comment, they will donate $2. The goal? $75,000 (and even more).

Influencers such as Lela Brown, Alexis Jayde Burnett, Caden Conrique, Branden Harvey, Morgan Harper Nichols and Bryce Xavier, among others, have joined the campaign. Peace Tea, with more than 5.3 million followers, hopes that through social media and passion, their campaign can reach people from all over the world. They want to encourage people to spread love, share kindness, and choose peace.

ā€œ[This campaign has] the potential to impact other peopleā€™s lives,ā€ Morgan Harper Nichols (@morganharpernichols) says, ā€œEven in a simple, small way.ā€

Peace Tea has seven refreshing flavors: Texas Style Sweet Tea, Caddy Shack, Georgia Peach, Green Tea, Razzleberry, Sweet Lemon, and Sno-Berry. You can find their brand at convenience stores and can learn more about the campaign by checking in on Facebook and Instagram, or by following the #ChoosePeace and #PeaceTeam hashtags.

Iā€™m excited about this campaign and the attention it can bring to something so simpleā€”yet so profound. In our day-to-day lives, itā€™s so easy to get wrapped up in what we donā€™t have, whatā€™s going wrong, or what hurts. Itā€™s easy to walk past strangers without saying hello, or moving through our routines without reaching out to anyone around us.

But imagine the kind of world we would live in if we stopped living this way.

Peace Tea is making change. With every purchase, thereā€™s a donation and a promise to reach out, to listen, to care, to love. And though this seems simple, itā€™s often the little things that make the most impact.

Iā€™m excited for this summer (and summer beverages!) to have a refreshing spin. These next few months, I choose Peace Tea. I choose peace. āœŒ

Featured Image Credit: Peace Tea

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Marisa Donnelly, M.Ed., is a writer/editor, credentialed teacher, proud bonus mama, and CEO of Word & Sole, a creative platform and company offering expert writing/editing services. She is the Director of Donnellyā€™s Daily Apple, a flexible learning/tutoring and educational resource platform, and the lead voice for Momish Moments and Step by Step Parents, verticals dedicated to sharing and advocating for non-traditional parenting journeys. Marisa currently resides in San Diego, California, with her husband, kiddo, and their two rambunctious Pitbulls. ā¤ļø

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