About Word & Sole

What is Word & Sole ?

We all have a unique story and unique journey. And oftentimes that story doesn’t follow a linear path or fit a single box.

Word & Sole Collective was created to honor those multifaceted journeys — the ones we write through our words and the soles of our feet as we wander.

We are a space dedicated to honoring and sharing authentic stories. We also provide expert content creation, coaching (Writing Coaching & Clarity Coaching), and writing/editing services through our founder, Marisa Donnelly, MEd.

Whether you’ve found your way here in the hopes of sharing your writing, connecting with other creators, or working with a coach, we’re happy you’re here.

Meet the Founder, Marisa Donnelly

Marisa Donnelly, M.Ed., is a writer/editor, teacher, coach, and ‘bonus’ mama to a sweet teenage boy. She’s the host of the Word & Sole Podcast, the author of Somewhere On A Highway (a collection of poems), and has published thousands of articles accumulating over 21.2+ million page views with bylines in Huffington Post, The Spruce, Bustle, BossBabe, Thought Catalog, and more.

Marisa is a big believer in dreams, self-love, inclusion, conscious parenting, special needs advocacy, and empowering others to relentlessly pursue their dreams (without losing themselves in the process).

You can read more about Marisa here, on her website, or connect with her socially on Facebook and Instagram.

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