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Learn To Live In God’s Holiness

girl half-hidden by flowers, learn to live in god's holiness

One of the biggest revelations I’ve had in my faith recently is understanding (and finally believing) that because my Father is holy, and I am made in His image—I am holy. We all are holy.

Our identity lies not with our sin, our mistakes, or our pain, but with our inherent godliness.

Yes, we will be imperfect, but we are not defined by that imperfection. We are defined by our living, breathing, holy Father, who has made us to be like Him.

Wow, what a breath of fresh air. For someone who so often struggles with pain, defeat, and negativity (and don’t we all, to some extent?!) discovering, and then reminding myself of this truth sets me free.

If we get all wrapped up in our mistakes, we’ll forever fall short and feel as if we’re not becoming the people we’re meant to be. And as Christians this can be crippling because we sometimes put so much pressure on ourselves to be and act perfect (when in reality, that’s not what faith is about at all). It’s hard not to focus on what we don’t have, what we’re still struggling with, rather than seeing that we’re okay, right where we are. No, this doesn’t mean we stop trying to be like Christ, but it’s a reminder that we are already of Christ. We don’t have to constantly try to prove ourselves.

Over the last few months, my identity feels redefined. I’m starting to embrace the truth that I’ve so often overlooked—that being a Christian, being a human is not about fighting against who you are, living in turmoil, or always feeling ‘less than’ or ‘not good enough.’

Really, being a person is about aligning with the way our Father sees us—not as perfect, but as perfectly made. Not as a sinner—but a soul with a sin habit. Not as a failure, but as His child.

And when we can redefine our identities and live in His holiness, we can finally take some of the pressure off ourselves. We can stop stressing about all the ways we fall short, and focus on our purpose. We can quit feeling inadequate, and empower ourselves to take forward steps. We can put a hold on the doubt and insecurity, and instead move with confidence. We can understand that the trials we face are temporary but our Father and His love is forever.

Learning to live in our holiness means having a perspective of forgiveness and patience with the world, and most importantly, ourselves. It means slowing down, knowing that even in our weakness, we are still strong because our God is strong. It means getting up when we fall, pursuing our potential, and letting go of where we fall short because we are not our mistakes.

Who we are is not determined by our failures but by our Father.

Learning to live in our holiness means understanding that our identity is in our God. And though we will never be perfect, though we will sin and be unworthy, we are still loved, still whole, still capable, still His. And that is the most beautiful truth.

So let this change the way you see yourself—you are not a sinner, but someone who is loved by God. You are not weak, but strong in Christ. You are not a loser, but lifted by grace. You are not unworthy, you are holy. You are a child of God.

Featured Image Credit: Finn Hackshaw[

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Marisa Donnelly, M.Ed., is a writer/editor, credentialed teacher, proud bonus mama, and CEO of Word & Sole, a creative platform and company offering expert writing/editing services. She is the Director of Donnelly’s Daily Apple, a flexible learning/tutoring and educational resource platform, and the lead voice for Momish Moments and Step by Step Parents, verticals dedicated to sharing and advocating for non-traditional parenting journeys. Marisa currently resides in San Diego, California, with her husband, kiddo, and their two rambunctious Pitbulls. ❤️


  1. Christine says

    Thank you for the Hope given in this and the other articles.
    I am 58 came from severe child abuse that my core believes I am worthless and have nothing to offer anybody.

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